
Hi, I’m Vickie Herrmann the designer and shop owner of Summer Kitchen Threads.

When I was 10 I learned to cross stitch at a friend’s birthday party.  I loved stitching instantly! As I grew older I started to design stitch patterns that I stitched into gifts for my friends and family. But then life got in the way and the demands of my career took more and more of my time. I put the needle and thread down during grad school and didn’t pick it back up again until 2017.

I came back to stitching and discovered new designers that offered designs I really wanted to stitch. Then I tried stitching on linen for the first time. Once I figured out how to stitch on linen I was hooked! I love the look and feel of Americana, antique reproduction samplers and primitive designs stitched on linen using hand dyed colored threads. Color always brings joy into my life!

After picking up my needle a few years I started designing gifts for family again. Then decided I wanted to share my designs with others and Summer Kitchen Threads was created.

Welcome to my online needlework shop! I hope you will find something you love and bring it home to stitch!

